Office 970-454-3411
July 17th, 2024

Good Morning “Inheritors of The Kingdom of God.”  Today - 1 Kings 2.

These are David’s last words recorded to his son, the new King Solomon.  As always there is more contained here than simply a father’s words to his son.  Consider these The Fathers Words to His Children.  What do His words contain?  

- Urgings to live obediently, serving God only - words Solomon himself will repeat someday (Ecclesiastes 12).  

- Promises that living obediently positions him and his realm for blessing.  The alternative positions the same for judgment.  

- Urgings to deal with the evil in the midst of his realm.  This is a lesson David learned the hard way.  Deal with the evil before it destroys you.  

We too will share in the inheritance of Christ, through His blood shed on The Cross for our sins.  Our application is the same as Solomon’s.  Gods promise of salvation through Christ by grace alone, is just that… by “Grace Alone”.  (Ephesians 2:8-10, Galatians 3:1-14). Our salvation is not dependent on our obedience but obedience does position us to receive blessing.  Furthermore, if obedience is to be had, we too must vanquish the evil in our realm, our lives and hearts - sin.  Our obedience doesn’t save us, but does demonstrate our salvation (James 2:14-26)

Love you all!  Dig in!