Office 970-454-3411
July 30th, 2024

Good Morning “Walking in Different Footsteps.”  Today we are in 1 Kings 15.

“You’re just like your father.”  Or… “ You’re just like your mother.”  

How did you take this statement?  Based on how your parents lived or lives their life - this could be a complement or a curse.  Call it “Spiritual Warfare”, “Generational Curse”- call it whatever you want to, but typically we inherit many of the traits of our parents and forefathers.  I’m not just talking about that blond hair and blue eyes.  Whether by spiritual influence (don’t discount this), or simply because we grew up with them, mimicked them and then it eventually became who we are - we typically kind of act like them.  Perhaps muted, but similar.  Again, could be good or bad.  If you had / have good examples to follow - great!  But if not, well then what?

God is big enough to break any generational curse, but it requires our heart.  Check it out:
Smattered amidst the recording of the sinful kings of Judah and Israel we find light.  

“Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done.”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭15‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Now understand first of all that Asa is actually David’s Great, Great Grandson.  Solomon was David’s son.  “Solomon’s son
 was Rehoboam, Abijah his son,
Asa his son…” 1 Chronicles 3:10

Asa was generations from David, so the behavior observation didn’t exist.  So how then, Asa break the curse and live differently?  He simply followed His Father in Heaven - The Lord and His ways!

The same is true for us!  No matter how good your parental examples are… or aren’t, God is Good!  All the time!  By His Holy Spirit who dwells in us He will carry on to completion the good work He began at salvation (Philippians 1:6).  We must participate by humbly seeking Him daily through His Word, then applying It - moving It from our head to our heart!

Love you all!  Dig in!