Good Morning “Descendants of Adam”. Dig into 1 Corinthians 15 today.
Just as sin entered through one man Adam, Salvation comes through one man Jesus - “The last Adam”. Paul is addressing the Corinthians questions regarding the resurrection. How will this happen? Will our old bodies be raised from the dead? That would be kinda gross. Absolutely not. Check out Paul’s discourse on this. We will all have new “Spiritual Bodies”. No longer broken, no longer marred by this world.
The time is coming when we will meet Jesus face to face, either in death or life. Will you be ready for that trumpet call? We’re reminded here to stay the course, keeping Him #1. We are reminded that even the best character / morals / intentions is easily corrupted.
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.””
1 Corinthians 15:33
The original Greek word “homilia” is the word translated here as “company.” It’s a noun that speaks to friendships, associations, companionships, even conversation. It’s not a stretch to suggest that it encompasses everyone, and everything I spend time with. We become like those we have conversation with, hang with, in short - we become what we surround ourselves with and participate in.
So understand when we are surrounded by good stuff / people / philosophies it = good fruit… bad stuff / people / philosophies = bad fruit. In the “locker room”it’s easy to join in “locker room talk”. On the other hand everyone cleans up their language when they walk into church or stand in the presence of a Pastor.
“But wait Pastor Jason… I’m strong, I have Jesus!” Yeah… the very nature of deception is you don’t realize it’s happening. Satan loves when we believe we’re strong enough… remember “Pride comes before the fall.” Paul is straight up telling us… DO NOT be deceived - it WILL happen.
It’s so important then, who and what you surround yourself with! Don’t be deceived, be alert! He’s coming… It’s best if we’re on the look out!
Love you all! Dig in!
Just as sin entered through one man Adam, Salvation comes through one man Jesus - “The last Adam”. Paul is addressing the Corinthians questions regarding the resurrection. How will this happen? Will our old bodies be raised from the dead? That would be kinda gross. Absolutely not. Check out Paul’s discourse on this. We will all have new “Spiritual Bodies”. No longer broken, no longer marred by this world.
The time is coming when we will meet Jesus face to face, either in death or life. Will you be ready for that trumpet call? We’re reminded here to stay the course, keeping Him #1. We are reminded that even the best character / morals / intentions is easily corrupted.
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.””
1 Corinthians 15:33
The original Greek word “homilia” is the word translated here as “company.” It’s a noun that speaks to friendships, associations, companionships, even conversation. It’s not a stretch to suggest that it encompasses everyone, and everything I spend time with. We become like those we have conversation with, hang with, in short - we become what we surround ourselves with and participate in.
So understand when we are surrounded by good stuff / people / philosophies it = good fruit… bad stuff / people / philosophies = bad fruit. In the “locker room”it’s easy to join in “locker room talk”. On the other hand everyone cleans up their language when they walk into church or stand in the presence of a Pastor.
“But wait Pastor Jason… I’m strong, I have Jesus!” Yeah… the very nature of deception is you don’t realize it’s happening. Satan loves when we believe we’re strong enough… remember “Pride comes before the fall.” Paul is straight up telling us… DO NOT be deceived - it WILL happen.
It’s so important then, who and what you surround yourself with! Don’t be deceived, be alert! He’s coming… It’s best if we’re on the look out!
Love you all! Dig in!