Office 970-454-3411
September 3, 2024

Good Morning “Sons and Daughters of The King”.  Today we are in 1 Chronicles 3. Who knew David had so many children?  Imagine being the son or daughter of King David.  We’ve likely all wondered what it would be like to be the son or daughter of the president.  Maybe, to be the son or daughter of someone famous.  Or to be royalty, a prince or princess.  We make movies about this kind of thing.   A few years ago, while on vacation visiting friends, we stood in the parking lot of “The Factory” in Franklin Tennessee.  The Factory is a warehouse type shopping, foodie center where you can grab anything from amazing coffee, and cronuts to acai bowls. (I know I didn’t know what they were either). Franklin is unique because without any fanfare you might just find yourself sitting across from Billy Joel.  You see Franklin is where many of the artists that live in “Nashville” - actually live.  It’s a beautiful little town, similar in beauty and style to Estes Park.  It’s a place where the who’s who of music simply mill about like “regular” people undisturbed by autograph requests or paparazzi.   Back to my parking lot story… as we unloaded from the car, we glanced south to see a young man  standing at the gate of a beautiful fenced, gated home and property talking into an intercom.  “Oh,” our friends commented, “Thats Toby Mac’s house.  Probably one of his son’s friends coming over to play video games…”.   Toby Mac is one of the most successful Christian artists in the business, earning multiple Grammys, Dove and Billboard Awards and worth millions.  The experience stands out to me because of the simplicity of the assumption.  What was it like to be Toby Mac’s son?  What was his son’s friend likely doing?  No biggy, probably showing up at the gate to play video games.  Just regular.  It was a big deal to be the son or daughter of royalty, however.  Not regular in any way.  Certain privileges were afforded them.  They would share in the Kings inheritance.  They were called by the kings name, and somehow special because of it.  Oh to be a son or daughter of a king.  Wait… what if you could be the son or daughter of THE KING?  “He (Jesus) came to his own, and his own people did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God (1 John 1:11-13).”   We have the opportunity to be called by His name “Christ-ians”.  We are invited to share in His inheritance in Heaven (Romans 8:17).  “If we endure, we will also reign with him…” (2 Timothy 2:12).  Royalty of the Best Kind.  Don’t miss out!  He Loves you and died on The Cross to pay the price for sin - all sin - your sin too.  It’s a gift you must receive.  (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9, 8:1).  Curious - let me help.  Love you all!  Dig in!